Conduct and Penalties

Managers, Coaches, Umpires, Team Parents and League Officials are responsible for the Playerâ??s conduct on and off the field, as well as their own.  In as much as the whole overall goal of the League is to play the game and further the concepts of sportsmanship and mutual respect, the following rules of conduct will be adhered to by all parties, as applicable.

  • Throwing Equipment.  No Player, Coach or Manager will be allowed to throw any piece of equipment in a display of temper or frustration.  
    • PENALTY: Ejection from game (to be determined by umpire). If a Coach is ejected, he/she will be suspended for the following game.
  • Profanity.  Profanity will not be tolerated by ANY player, coach, manager or spectator. 
    •  PENALTY: Ejection from game or stands.
  • Smoking or Drinking.  (Drinking of Alcoholic beverages) is prohibited during any Big Bear Youth Baseball & Softball function.  Smoking in not allowed within 20 feet of any child or gate. 
    • PENALTY: If behavior continues after being warned, ejection from game, and not allowed to participate in the following game.
  • Umpire Decisions. Manager, Coaches, Players and Spectators will show respect for decisions of the Umpires.  Discussions over judgment calls or rule interpretations (by Managers only) are permissible if done with dignity and sincerity.  
    • PENALTY: Arguing with umpire may result in ejection from game (to be determined by umpire).  Offending parties will not participate in following game if ejected.
  • Heckling.  Managers, Coaches, Players or Spectators shall not heckle Umpires or challenge JUDGEMENT decisions.  
    • PENALTY:  Ejection from game (to be determined by umpire). Failure to leave game will result in forfeiture by the team.  
  • Dangerous Actions. Managers, Coaches, Players and Spectators shall not allow actions which are physically dangerous, such as a pitcher throwing at a batter purposely, or a base runner deliberately trying to injure an opponent during a double play.  
    • PENALTY: Ejection from game for Player, Coach, Manager, or all parties.  Offending parties will not participate in the following game if ejected.  
  • Stalling Tactics. Managers, Coaches, Players, Spectators and Umpires will cooperate in eliminating game delays and stalling tactics of all kinds at all time. 
    • PENALTY: If behavior continues after being warned, ejection from game, and not allowed to participate in the following game.
  • Coaching Box.  Coaches in coaching boxes will direct remarks to teammates and not toward opposing Players.  
    • PENALTY:  Ejection from game.  In addition, offending parties will not participate in following game. 
  • Unbecoming Language. Managers, Coaches, Players and Spectators shall not direct unbecoming language or personal remarks at opponents, Umpires, or League Officials from the field, dugouts, from the stands or on any form of social media.
    • PENALTY:  Ejection from game.  In addition, offending party will not be allowed to participate in following game. *If an individual is abusing the above rules and is not ejected by the Umpire, it will be the responsibility of the Manager/Coach of the team responsible to take appropriate actions. If the Manager/Coach doesn't take any action, the Board may take whatever action it deems necessary to correct such behavior, whether it is Manager/ Coach/Player or Spectator. 
  • Ejection.  If a Manager is ejected from a game by the Umpire, they can have absolutely no contact with his team.  If they continue to try to coach their team from the stands, they will cause their team to forfeit said game.
  • Second Ejection.  A second ejection of the season will result in possible multiple game suspension and possible future season (to be determined by the Board of Directors).
  • NOTE:  Managers, Coaches or Players EJECTED from a game due to the above mentioned conduct may be required to appear before the Disciplinary Board within forty-eight (48) hours of the incident to decide what actions to take. 



  1. Verbal Warning to Manager and Offender.
  2. Ejection* of Offender and Manager.
  3. *Upon Ejection if you fail to leave, Law Enforcement will be called.

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